Ingenium<!-- --> | Banfield Agency


Giving museumgoers the scoop on poop  


In Spring 2024, Ingenium welcomed an exhibition about human waste, Oh Crap!, conceived by Quebec City’s Musée de la civilisation at the Canada Science and Technology Museum. Ingenium wanted to spread the word about the exhibition and show that it’s not just fun and interactive, but also can teach a lot about the important role of feces in different facets of society.


We developed a multi-channel campaign that played on people’s perceptions about poop and delivered surprising facts about it to introduce what they will learn at the exhibit. With executions that contrasted illustrated depictions of excrement with labels about its current and potential uses to things like health, art, and science, the campaign sparked the curiosity of attendees young and old. 


  • Increased attendance to Canada Science and Technology Museum by 11% during campaign period
  • Campaign achieved more than 12M impressions
  • Exhibition and campaign were covered by media outlets including CBC, CTV, and Strategy Magazine

We wanted something clever and thought-provoking that balanced humour and the scientific nature of the exhibition. Working with Banfield we were able to hit that mark, and we’ve seen the impact of the work in attendance numbers when the exhibit opened.

Olivier Carré-Delisle

Vice President, Digital and Public Affairs