Communications Security Establishment<!-- --> | Banfield Agency

Communications Security Establishment

Making cyber security part of people’s holiday traditions 


Canadians are more connected than ever, which means they’re more susceptible to cyber threats. This is especially true around the holidays, when people are more likely to connect to unfamiliar wi-fi, get new devices, and buy things online. Get Cyber Safe needed to remind people of cyber security at a time when they’re busy with other things and not thinking about cyber security.


We developed a campaign all about integrating cyber security into people’s holiday traditions to keep it top of mind. Coming to life across non-traditional media like cyber security carols, wrapping paper with tips on the inside, and a gingerbread home network, the campaign gave common traditions a cyber safe twist. We also partnered with tech influencers to make sure holiday gift guides included a cyber safe message.


  • 6M impressions through earned television and radio appearances
  • Social media impressions increased by 67% during December
  • Engagement increased by 30% during December

The Cyber Safe Holidays campaign reaches Canadians during the busy gift giving season with easy ways to secure new devices. Thanks to Banfield’s non-traditional approach to holiday traditions, we’ve positioned cyber security advice as fun, festive and un-intimidating.

Christine Menard

Director of Marketing
Communications Security Establishment